The main page reports always on the current situation. The Flash Infos are largely in French. In addition to the latest information you can at times find the position of the Police there.
In the Zone Radio Klaxxon (107,7 FM), the pirate radio station of the ZAD, informs, besides music and radio transmission, about the setting (French, partly Englisch).
First contact-point in the ZAD could possibly be “Hors Contrôle” (located on the D81 between “Les Domaines” and “La Rolandière”). An infopoint with contact persons, maps, material, information about a place to sleep etc. is situated there. Furthermore you can find a kitchen, a camping site and a huge Free-Shop in this place.
Just a few places have running water and electricity. (Drinking-)Water is available in cans. At present it is still cold, wet and muddy, thus you should bring some sort of things (With patience and luck you can also find them in the Free-Shops):
– warm and waterproof clothes , warm socks
– waterproof shoes (rubber boots)
– headlight
– map ot the ZAD
– important phonenumbers (see below)
Internet-Connection can be found at the “les Fosses Noires”.
important phonenumbers
area code for France is: oo33
Medic Team: 07 60 26 42 14
Legal Team: 06 75 30 95 45 (JUST in case of arrest) – describe the persons outward appearance and clothes; time, place and circumstances of the arrest, NO NAMES, no infomation about the offence
Hors Contrôle: 06 32 98 78 36 (exceptional cases)
Press Contact: 06 38 17 36 19
You can download the map here.
The red dotted line defines the area of the ZAD. The skulls show the usual Checkpoints of the police (If they are present. See Current Situation).
The map was updated in January. It should be quite up-to-date.